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Old Dominion University

Founded in 1930 by the College of William and Mary, Old Dominion University became an independent university in 1962. The registrar’s Office had a backlog of 2.5 million documents that dated from 1932 to 1985. In the process of moving all of their student files to their electronic document management system, the Registrar needed an expert in document conversion to confidentially and accurately digitize student records.

ILM Solution

ILM inventoried and scanned the student records. The electronic documents were hosted securely for three years as the University transitioned to its new document management system.


The Registrar’s Office is better able to serve students at ODU with quicker retrieval times for accessing records. Additionally, office space is at a premium, and the space is now used to house additional staff.  With the transition to digital files, student records are now safeguarded against destruction, misfiling, and able to be more securely stored in an electronic manner.