Estimate Number of Pages in a Box
Easily estimate the number of pages or images based on the quantity of filing cabinets, boxes or measurements.
Estimating the number of pages squirreled away in boxes, filing cabinets, stores room and piles of paper is a difficult task. Having this information is necessary to provide a scope of work for pricing and timing.
The following guidelines will estimate the quantity of paper, microfilm, boxes, and filing cabinets so you can tame the paper beast.
Paper Estimation Guidelines
This guide is the typical amount of sheets of paper stored in boxes, filing cabinets, and by measurement. File folders, fasteners, such as binding clips, paperclip, staples, how full it is, and unwanted documents such as glossy brochures all play a part in the actual number of pages.
150 – 180 Pages per inch
1,800 – 2,200 Pages per box
Box size is L 17.5″ x H 9.75″ x W 11.5″
1,800 – 2,200 Pages per standard legal / letter box
16.25″L x 12.5″W x 10.5″H
4,000 – 5,000 Pages per Long Bankers / Transfer box
24.13″L x 12.25″W x 10.75″H
5,000 – 6,000 Pages per drawer
2,500 Pages per drawer
100 – 125 per inch
1,800 Per linear foot
100 Sheets per inch
A 16 mm roll is 5/8″ wide. A 100′
roll may contain up to 2,500 images
or double that amount if scanned
duplex. A 215′ roll may contain up to
5,000 images and again could be
double if scanned duplex.
35 mm rolls are 1.5″ wide containing
800 images on a 100′ roll.
Our Process
We simplify the process by becoming an extension of your team. In as little as a few weeks, we will understand your project, begin collecting and processing your documents. All of this set up in a customized process for your project to meet your unique requirements while ensuring the highest quality.