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Assisting Holocaust Survivors Assisted With Claims Processing

When an international non-profit Jewish advocacy group came to ILM they were in need of assistance with processing applications from elderly Holocaust survivors and their heirs. There were many challenges in this process. First, the application was lengthy and contained a great deal of supporting documentation. All of this information needed to be reviewed and input into a concise processing system. Secondly, applications came in from 25 countries. Foreign language applications added an extra step in the data entry process. Lastly, the non-profit needed to keep administrative costs under 5% and complete all claims in a timely manner.

ILM was able to help the non-profit complete their claims processing and overcome these challenges. First, they implemented a docketing system so each claimant received notification that their claim was in process. Second, using a combination of OCR and manual entry, applications and supporting documentation were scanned into the system. Once the data was captured, the non-profit could provide accurate restitution and compensation to claimants. Lastly, ILM was able to process over 120,000 claimant applications in 18 months enabling the non-profit to pay out over 650 million dollars while keeping administrative costs below budget at 4%.

ILM has the necessary capabilities, tools and experience to help both small and large businesses, as well as non-profit groups, overcome the challenges that face their organizations. As seen in this claims processing case study, there are various methods to assist organizations in reaching their goals within time frame and budget. For more realistic business examples of how digital imaging, data capture, document management and other imaging solutions can impact a business, check out the rest of our case studies at or call ILM today!

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