Despite heavy investment in electronic workflows over the last few decades, most businesses still generate paper on a regular basis. Contracts, memos, estimates, and ...
5 Tips for Outsourcing Document Scanning
Instant access to data is a critical component to remaining efficient and competitive in today’s marketplace. Needless to say, finding a qualified document scanning ...
5 Tips for Outsourcing Data Entry
Finding the right data entry service provider is no simple task. Even determining whether or not the process should be outsourced can be a ...
How To Tell How Much Digital Storage You Will Need
It requires time and skill to digitize company documents, but once it’s all said and done, you’ll benefit greatly significantly from… Increased accessibility Improved ...
What is a Chain of Custody?
In any industry that handles sensitive information, a chain of custody protocol is key. Chain of custody is a process whereby all materials that ...
Document Scanning and Security – What You Need to Know
Many businesses seek document scanning services to improve the overall security of their information. Wouldn’t it be easier and safer if you only had ...
What’s the Difference in Data Entry and Data Capture?
Every business seeks out valuable data and information from targeted groups. Perhaps you want to obtain customer feedback, colleagues’ opinions or conduct staff assessments. ...
What is the Best Format For Scanned Documents?
Businesses use many different types of documents and document scanning can be done for just about all of them. Because so many types of ...
How to Effectively Manage a Shared Drive
Shared drives are an easy, efficient way to store the substantial amount of electronic data companies generate over the course of time. They are ...