ILM Blog

What is Digital Imaging?

Digital imaging is the process of converting physical documents into an electronic image file, such as a PDF, BMP, TIFF or JPEG. Many businesses are turning to digital imaging because it improves workplace efficiency, cuts operating costs and is environmentally friendly. The best part about digital imaging is that when you partner with an experienced company like ILM, your business can smoothly make the transition from a paper-filled office to a paperless one.

Digital imaging is most commonly performed on paper documents, but also on microform images, such as microfilm or microfiche, and wide format sources. Many, many years ago, film formats were the most popular method of documenting information. To this day, the media, government agencies and legal firms still use the format source. Film formats require a machine to read, and without one, contents are microscopic to the naked eye. Therefore, digital imaging is a highly effective solution for businesses and agencies that still utilize this type of source. Wide format sources are a type of document used in engineering, architecture and other specialized industries. Wide formats are over-sized and bulky in original form, but much easier to view and analyze as a digital image.

Digital imaging is much more than running a piece of paper, slide of film or wide format document through a scanner. ILM stresses to all clients the importance of each stage in the conversion process. Preparation of documents prior to digital imaging is critical to ensuring quality image files, as is restoration following the digitization. In order to effectively search and retrieve image files, they must then be organized into a custom index or database. This is where the expertise of a document management and digital imaging company is absolutely essential.

If you are interested in digital imaging as a way to streamline business tasks, improve workplace efficiency and cut business operating costs, contact ILM today.

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