Healthcare Revenue Cycles and Electronic medical and dental records

Hospitals, clinics, medical and dental practices want to maximize their patient service revenue by streamlining the intensive administrative functions surround them.  

Additionally they are required to store and manage their patient files in a HIPAA compliant EMR. Getting health records into those systems poses a big challenge for most.

Rapidly increase your revenue cycles with efficient document capture and processing

Instant access to your patient and medical files including lab records, films, x-rays and medications

Confidently store and update medical records and patient information in a secure, HIPAA compliant system

Do you struggle with:

  • Staffing and keeping well trained and experienced employees  to manage all of the paperwork associated with medical records?
  • Getting reimbursed and paid in a timely manner from Medicare and other health insurance providers?
  • Collecting and digitizing all the various incoming patient records from insurance, lab reports, x-rays, scans and medical claims?

Valued Clients

Document and Data Capture Outsourcing

Electronic Information

Incoming medical files, invoices and claims are expeditiously prepped, digitized and uploaded to your electronic medical records (EMR) or Health Information System (HIS), so the data is waiting for you when and where ever you need it.
Extracting metadata from claim and billing invoice documents in one business day or less.

Right Sized Staffing

We handle the hassle of recruiting, hiring, training and managing highly skilled staff to be able to manage your every demanding workload. Because we service many clients, we cross-train our employees to manage your peaks and valleys in volume.

Faster Payments and Reimbursements

The faster you can generate and mail or fax a properly formatted CMS-1500 form, the quicker you will be reimbursed. We merge, print and mail your forms faster and more efficiently than your stretched thin employees could.

We get it – Trust and Experience Matters

How it Works


ILM receives your mail, faxes, uploads or emails and converts them into a consistent PDF format.

Digitization & Data Capture

Mail documents are opened, scanned and indexed to your specifications. Advanced AI and OCR to extract and validate metadata from medical claims, billing invoices.

Deliver Usable Data

After quality control, digital files can be delivered for upload via encrypted SFTP or an automated workflow initiated so you can take action.

Our Process

We simplify the process of digitizing your documents and automating your workflow so you can make decisions and take action. In as little as a few weeks, we will understand your project, begin collecting and processing your documents. All of this set up in a customized process for your project to manage exception processing while ensuring the highest quality. Freeing you up to focus on your mission, applicants and claims.

Additional Resources

What is Digital Imaging?

Digital imaging is the process of converting physical documents into an electronic image file, such as a PDF, BMP, TIFF or JPEG. Many businesses ...
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Advantages of an Electronic File Management System

With today’s technologies, an electronic file management system is an excellent option for a variety of businesses across a number of different industries. Medical ...
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The Importance of Banking & Financial Services Document Management

Financial institutions are heavily regulated. In order to substantiate each transaction, a tremendous amount of documentation is required. All of this information must be ...
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